There are many types of soybeans but they are primarily
Ag type. However, Eagle Seed has come up with what I think is the best Forage type of soybeans for any serious food plotter. These soybeans with their high forage, protein and pod production will improve not just the antler production but also the overall herd heath of your entire deer herd from spring with the start of growth all the way thru winter when the deer stress is the highest. Below are in my opinion the 2 best soybeans produced by Eagle Seed.
Large Lad
Is the most popular variety known for its excellent seed yield, tonnage and height. It is a popular hay and food plot variety due to its excellent nutritional qualities. This easy to grow variety is adapted to many soil types and has resistance to glyphosate, many diseases, root rots and nematodes.
*Can Grow Up To 84″ High Producing TONS of High Protein Per Acre
*64% Total Digestable Nutrients
*Up to 50 Bushels of Pods Per Acre
*Up to 8 Weeks Longer Green Leaf Production
Big Fellow
An extremely tall, large leafed, Glyphosate Ready forage variety. During numerous university trials, it was found to be taller, provide more tonnage, more protein, more browse resistance, and more drought tolerant than other soybeans marketed for food plots, hay or silage.
*Up To 10 Tons of High Quality Forage Per Acre
*Up To 42 % Leaf Protein
*Up To 8 Weeks Longer Green Leaf Production
With these results why would you plant any other forage soybean for your deer?